Email Login
Web3Modal SDK enables passwordless Web3 onboarding (no seed phrases) and authentication. It offers blazing-fast, hardware-secured, passwordless login, Web3 onboarding, and access to over 20 blockchains with a few lines of code — even if you have an existing auth solution.
Email Login is currently in Beta.
- Wagmi
- Ethers
You can start integrating Email Login into Web3Modal SDK using either default or custom mode.
- Default
- Custom
<script setup>
import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi/vue'
import { mainnet, arbitrum } from 'viem/chains'
// 1. Get projectId at
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
// 2. Create wagmiConfig
const metadata = {
name: 'Web3Modal',
description: 'Web3Modal Example',
url: '',
icons: ['']
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum]
const wagmiConfig = defaultWagmiConfig({
chains, // required
projectId, // required
metadata, // required
enableWalletConnect: true, // Optional - true by default
enableInjected: true, // Optional - true by default
enableEIP6963: true, // Optional - true by default
enableCoinbase: true, // Optional - true by default
enableEmail: true // Optional - false by default
// 3. Create modal
createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains })
<template> // Rest of your app ... </template>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { createWeb3Modal } from '@web3modal/wagmi/vue'
import { emailConnector } from '@web3modal/wagmi'
import { http, createConfig } from '@wagmi/core'
import { mainnet, sepolia } from '@wagmi/core/chains'
import { coinbaseWallet, walletConnect, injected } from '@wagmi/connectors'
// 1. Define constants
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
const metadata = {
name: 'Web3Modal',
description: 'Web3Modal Example',
url: '',
icons: ['']
const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
chains: [mainnet, sepolia],
transports: {
[]: http(),
[]: http()
connectors: [
walletConnect({ projectId, metadata, showQrModal: false }),
injected({ shimDisconnect: true }),
appLogoUrl: metadata.icons[0]
emailConnector({ chains, options: { projectId } })
// 3. Create modal
createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains })
<template> // Rest of your app ... </template>
You can start integrating Email Login into Web3Modal SDK using either default or custom mode.
- Default
- Custom
<script setup>
import { createWeb3Modal, defaultConfig } from '@web3modal/ethers/vue'
// 1. Get projectId at
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
// 2. Set chains
const mainnet = {
chainId: 1,
name: 'Ethereum',
currency: 'ETH',
explorerUrl: '',
rpcUrl: ''
// 3. Create modal
const metadata = {
name: 'My Website',
description: 'My Website description',
url: '',
icons: ['']
ethersConfig: defaultConfig({
enableEmail: true
chains: [mainnet],
<template> // Rest of your app ... </template>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { createWeb3Modal, defaultConfig } from '@web3modal/ethers/vue'
// 1. Get projectId at
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
// 2. Set chains
const mainnet = {
chainId: 1,
name: 'Ethereum',
currency: 'ETH',
explorerUrl: '',
rpcUrl: ''
// 3. Create modal
const metadata = {
name: 'My Website',
description: 'My Website description',
url: '',
icons: ['']
ethersConfig: defaultConfig({
defaultChainId: 1,
enableEIP6963: true,
enableInjected: true,
enableCoinbase: true,
enableEmail: true,
rpcUrl: '...' // used for the Coinbase SDK
chains: [mainnet],
<template> // Rest of your app ... </template>
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